Individual & Couples Counseling in Seattle
Counseling and coaching is billed at an hourly rate. I will use the last 5 minutes of the hour for record keeping.
A complimentary 20 minute initial consultation is available by appointment.
Cash, check, credit card, and Bank transfer accepted.
I am not participating with any insurance panels.
I am an out-of-network provider for all other insurance plans. This means that payment is required by you at the time of service. I will then provide you with a statement that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Level of reimbursement will depend on the particulars of your insurance plan
This will give me some basic information about you and your concerns.
This describes how your privacy is protected.
This describes my office policies.
This will describe things you should know about Tele-Mental-Health.
If you wish, you may print out these forms and bring them to your appointment.
If possible, please read the Office Policy and Privacy Practice documents before we meet. I am happy to answer any questions you might have.
Individual Session 55 min $160
Extended Individual session 85 min $240
Couples session 55 min $160
Extended Couples session 85 min $240
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